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Raw Carrot and Beet Salad

Raw Carrot and Beet Salad

As a Fort Collins nutritionist, I love coming up with new ways to combine simple real food ingredients like fresh vegetables. Beets are popular in CSA or Community Supported Agriculture shares this time of year and...

16 Back to Work Snack Ideas

As the summer winds down and you're thinking about sending the kids back to school or re-focusing on work, increasing the nutrition of the snacks you eat should be a high-priority. As a Fort Collins Nutritionist,...
Rainbow Cabbage Coleslaw

Rainbow Cabbage Coleslaw

This simple and refreshing coleslaw is a whole food recipe filled with fresh vegetables, vitamins and minerals. As a Fort Collins nutritionist, I always recommend those on a gluten free diet or dairy free diet to...

Strawberry Peach Sunrise Smoothie

This super simple and delicious breakfast recipe is loaded with high quality produce including leafy greens. It's a quick and easy recipe and has several healthy extras like raw cashews, chia seeds, and vanilla. For extra...
Tower Bridge in London from the Thames River

The Olympics and a Simple Question That Will Change Your Life

I spent the past 9 days in Great Britain to attend the London 2012 Olympics, see old friends in the UK, and spend some quality time and relaxation with my family (parents and little sister Chloe)...
Zucchini Vegetable Lasagna

Zucchini Vegetable Lasagna

If you're trying to figure out what to do with an over-abundance of zucchini, you're not alone! We had about 12 green and yellow zucchinis in our CSA share last week. As a Fort Collins Nutritionist,...
Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

This fresh and simple whole food recipe makes a great side for lunch or dinner because it is loaded with fresh vegetables. It is a great way to use up an abundance of high quality produce...
Tomato Cucumber Salad

Tomato Cucumber Salad

This recipe is a super quick and simple way to eat up lots of cucumbers and tomatoes from your CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share or from the farmer's market. As a Fort Collins Nutritionist, fresh vegetables...
Olympic Rings

Go for the Gold

This week, I will be heading to the Olympics for London 2012. The Olympics have a magical allure. The athletes that compete, the Olympians, have spent their lives practicing, perfecting, achieving, and competing to work their...
Kitchen knives

The Most Essential Tool in Your Kitchen

Preparing healthy meals full of organic fruits and vegetables requires some essential kitchen tools. As a Fort Collins Nutritionist, I often go to clients' homes and peek into their food world. One of the biggest frustrations...
Quick and Easy Kale

Quick and Easy Kale

Kale is the most nutrient dense edible plant that grows on land. That means that it's loaded with vitamins and minerals like calcium. Organic leafy greens are also extremely detoxifying and  incorporating kale into your healthy...
Real food

What is Real Food?

As a Fort Collins Nutritionist, I just finished running a group program last week called "Get Real: 8 Weeks to Outrageous Energy, Confidence in the Kitchen, and a Real Food Lifestyle Plan That You Can Stick...

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