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Roasted Kohlrabi wiht Garlic

Roasted Kohlrabi with Garlic

Kohlrabi (pronounced kol-rob-ee) is a form of cabbage. It has a large bulb that can be eaten raw in coleslaw or served with other fresh vegetables like carrots or celery. The bulb can also be cooked...
Fruit skewers

7 Simple Swaps for a Guilt-Free Summer Party

Summer is in full swing and so are the parties, potlucks, picnics and other summer festivities. As a Fort Collins nutritionist, I get asked how to navigate parties and come out ahead pretty frequently. If you're...
Fresh strawberries from the farmers' market

Where to Find Fresh Local Produce

When I think of summer, I think about watermelon, fresh salads, sweet corn, grilling, boating, swimming, and basking in the sun. Ahhh, that sounds nice. Whether you're at home this summer or spending some time on...
Cilantro Lime Sweet Potato Salad

Cilantro Lime Sweet Potato Salad

As a Fort Collins nutritionist, I made this recipe and took it to a potluck dinner last night and it got rave reviews. At least 6 or 7 people came up to me and commented on...
Fresh Tossed Salad

What If You Had Salad on Demand?

Yes, salad on demand. It's not quite as cool as "Movies on Demand" but the convenience is the same. If you had a salad full of leafy greens and fresh vegetables ready to go when you...
Crispy Kale Chips

Crispy Kale Chips

Kale is loaded with minerals and is extremely nutrient dense. If you’re trying hearty leafy greens like kale for the first time or don’t think you really like them. . . give this recipe a try....
Summer Picnic Quinoa Salad

Summer Picnic Quinoa Salad

This simple summer salad keeps well in the fridge and is a complete protein. Its great for busy weeks to pack for lunch, or to take to summer picnics or potluck dinners. If you're looking to...
Grilled Asparagus

Grilled Asparagus

Asparagus is ripe and fresh in the springtime. Give this super simple gluten free grilled asparagus recipe a try. Asparagus is high quality produce, extremely cleansing, and great for detoxification. Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time:...
Grilled Salmon with Lemon and Garlic

Grilled Salmon with Lemon and Garlic

This simple gluten free grilled salmon recipe is really flavorful and loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids. Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: about 8 minutes Yield: Serves 2 to 3 Ingredients:
Fruit and vegetables

Nutritionists Don’t Have it All Figured Out

As a Fort Collins nutritionist, I'll be the first to admit that we don't have it all figured out. Nutrition is a complex science that is ever evolving. In the 1990's, the low-fat craze swept the...

When Mangoes are 3 for $1

Local, organic food is where its at but as we're waiting for the local produce to start pouring into local farmers' markets, CSA shares, and grocery stores, we're often stuck with food flown in from all...
Mango Sorbet

Mango Sorbet

This recipe is a simple, delicious, and nutritious dessert. Its also vegan and gluten free. Give it a try! Prep time: 5 minutes

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